+91 487 2972474 | +91 9632 22500

Paravattani, Thrissur, Kerala-680 001, India

Open Hours
Each and Every 24 Hours

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  • About GEM

    The name GEM is derived from its own speciality. Being situated in Coimbatore, the emerging medical... Know More

  • Obesity Surgery

    GEM Obesity & Diabetes Surgery Center holds pride to have performed the largest numbers of such surgeries in Asia... Enquire now

  • Hernia Surgery

    Hernia repairs (inguinal and incisional are so common to have been under-rated as simple procedures... Enquire now

Asia's Largest Hospital chain for Gastroenterology and
Laparoscopy Now @ Thrissur,Kerala.

The name GEM(Gastroenterology Medical Center and Hospital) is derived from its own speciality. Being situated in coimbatore,the emerging medical capital of south india,is Asia's First and most advanced teryiary health care centre,in the field of Gastroenterology and Laparoscopic Surgery.
It has grown exponentially gaining wide patronage of patients from india as well as abroad.GEM Hospital and Research center with its pioneering work has evolved to be the first and the only center in india with subspecialities in Bariatric, Hepatobiliary, Colorectal, GI Cancer Surgery, Endogynaecology Scarless surgery etc.


Chairman of Gem Hospital Group

The Medical Icon....Dr.C.Palanivelu
The blessed child of humble agriculturists,employed at a palm oil estate in Malaysia.Loads of patriotism brought him back to india,in 1967.Completed school education at the age of 21.

DEVELOPING LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY-THE MOST WANTED FOR INDIAN He became the first surgeon in south india to introduce laparoscopic surgery and instrumental for developing advanced Laparoscopic surgery in india,a revolutionary concept in surgical treatment.By being less morbid enabling faster recovery,is a boon for agriculturists or labourers. Read More



GEM Hospital and Research Centre
Ollukkara Village, Paravattani, Thrissur, Kerala, India




+91 487 2972472
+91 9633222500

Opening Hours

Each and Every 24 Hours